Redefining Productivity – HSM Advisory Webinar

In this research webinar, explore the evolving landscape of productivity in today’s work environment.

Dive into how the definition and measurement of productivity are shifting and what these changes mean for individuals, managers, teams, and organisational design. Additionally, we examine the four key drivers of sustainable high performance and provide practical insights into measuring productivity at both individual and team levels.

Take part in the next stage of our productivity research initiative, the Productivity Collaboration Jam. This event is an online, typed conversation taking place on our HSM Collaboration Jam platform, much like an invitation-only LinkedIn, exploring the topic of productivity and how to define, measure, and build it. You will have the unique opportunity to shape the conversation on productivity, network, and learn from an amazing line-up of industry experts from the likes of KPMG, HSBC, and UBS. Register now to get involved!