
Provide expert advice for moments that matter

  1. Advisory Retainer
  2. Frame
  3. Working Sessions

Advisory Retainer

Empower your organisation to navigate and overcome specific challenges by leveraging a retained external partner to provide external perspective, positioning, and support.


Cut through the noise and transform your approach to complex challenges with the creation of bespoke, evidence-based, and measurable frameworks.

People Experience x Frame

HSM Advisory have supported us through a long-term upskilling programme across our organisation, including cycles of 2 Maturity Indexes… [The Diagnostics and Frameworks] programmes have helped us define our I&D strategy and… gives us an external perspective from a trusted partner. Head of Inclusion & Diversity, International Insurance Group

Working Sessions

Sense-check and inform your approach with a targeted working session to map your priority areas against external insight, good practice, and perspective to identify opportunities and gaps.