Empowering Organisations Through Learning into the Future

In recent years, alongside the impact of the pandemic, macro trends such as changing family structures, increased longevity, and the prevalence of cognitive AI have emerged as key challenges for organisations. These global trends have impacted talent attraction and retention, work engagement, and productivity. However, amidst these multifaceted challenges, learning and development (L&D) specialists are well-positioned to guide organisations and capitalise on the opportunities presented by these trends.

According to a global survey conducted by LinkedIn, individuals aged 18 to 34 cited opportunities for learning and skill building as their top motivation for entering new jobs. Additionally, the World Economic Forum found that organisations with a strong learning culture are 2.5 times more innovative, experiencing higher revenue growth and customer satisfaction. Previous research has also demonstrated that aligning L&D resources with people’s needs leads to increased job satisfaction, improved work engagement, and reduced turnover.

L&D specialists play a crucial role not only in designing and delivering a learning curriculum but also in fostering the learning culture needed for effective knowledge-sharing and innovation. The LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report 2023 indicates that 34% of L&D specialists in the UK prioritise creating a culture of learning, a significant increase from the previous year’s 24%. A learning culture refers to an organisational climate that promotes continuous learning and development through a variety of formal and informal methods, such as instructor-led programmes, apprenticeships, mentorship, and self-directed learning.

To effectively build a culture of learning holistically, HSM Advisory’s Future of Work Masterclass identifies five levels of engagement for stakeholders within organisations:

Individual Level – Individuals play a vital role in sharing tacit knowledge through collaboration and social connections. Encouraging individuals to actively participate in knowledge-sharing activities facilitates a culture of continuous learning.

Peer Level – Peer-to-peer learning contributes to building networks, supporting knowledge retention, and embracing diversity of thought. Creating opportunities for people to learn from and with their peers strengthens collaboration and enhances learning outcomes.

Managers & Leaders – When leaders and managers model continuous learning, they send a powerful message about the importance of learning within the organisation. By demonstrating their commitment to personal growth and development, they inspire people to follow suit and prioritise learning with psychological safety.

Community Level – Communities of learning provide support engagement and innovation through cross-team knowledge-sharing. These communities can be formal or informal, enabling people to connect, exchange ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences.

Ecosystem Level – A learning ecosystem takes a holistic approach to L&D that goes beyond the boundaries of the organisation itself. It involves collaborating with external partners, leveraging industry networks, and embracing emerging technologies to create a comprehensive learning environment.

By actively engaging stakeholders at these five levels, L&D specialists can leverage their expertise and knowledge to help create a thriving learning culture in organisations, enabling them to navigate the changing macro-environment successfully.

Download the latest HSM Advisory’s White Paper “Learning Into The Future” here.