Hybrid Working and Sustainable Change

Many organisations are facing challenges around redesigning work right now – with 40% admitting they are struggling to fill vacancies because candidate expectations have changed so rapidly.

At our latest Future of Work by HSM Masterclass on 12-13th October, we explored ways to increase organisational agility and resilience to ensure that hybrid working models become embedded, sustainable and performance-led.

People have formed new habits – and built new expectations – over the past 18 months and are prioritising work opportunities that are aligned with these. Many employees have also gained a deeper understanding of how and why work is done productively and prefer to do solo work at home and more collaborative or socially-driven activities in the office. The challenge for many employers is that they have not yet made the changes needed to meet these expectations.

For organisations, the only way forward is to match people’s expectations – which means making fundamental changes to some of their existing work structures.

Management. Managers are used to ways of working built around co-location. Upskilling managers to design work for hybrid states and effectively lead hybrid teams is crucial.

Performance. In the past, remote, part-time, and flexible workers have found themselves shut out of promotion rounds, bonuses and other forms of recognition. In our new hybrid environment, we need to refresh our approach to performance to reflect real impact rather than flawed perceptions.

Wellbeing. The pandemic has taught us that wellbeing and performance are inextricably linked and that it’s no longer a nice-to-have.

Above all, organisations must remember that redesigning work is a continuous, iterative process. Employees’ expectations will continue to change, and employers must maintain open conversations, so they are ready to meet these changes as they arise.

Would your organisation value guidance on hybrid working and sustainable change? Contact Anna to find out how HSM Advisory could help you.