Future of Work

The future of work is now. But what is the future of work and how do you prepare? Organisations must evolve to keep pace with new ways of working and provide an outstanding experience for clients and people every step of the way.

Advisory PwC

Driving millennial retention

  1. The challenge

    PwC executives were concerned at the low retention levels of their millennial population and wanted to uncover the reason why.

  2. Our approach

    We used our Collaboration Jam methodology to bring together more than 1,800 millennials from across 24 countries. The moderated event was held on a bespoke online platform over a 72-hour period, allowing people to share their ideas and opinions about what they wanted from their work.

  3. The impact

    We discovered that millennials were dissatisfied with the lack of global career opportunities and insufficient focus on their wellbeing. Building on this insight, the PwC team moved quickly to address the root cause of this high turnover by creating a Millennial retention strategy that applied these learnings to their broader engagement model, improving overall retention.

Advisory Leading Financial Services Company

Supporting employees to co-create the future

  1. The challenge

    The leadership team at a leading financial services company wanted to enable their people to rapidly adapt and respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by the future of work, in a co-ordinated way.

  2. Our approach

    We created a 70-strong team of future change agents from a range of geographies and levels. We focused on upskilling and engaging them in the future of work, covering topics such as technological advances and demographic shifts. Through an intensive six-month programme of face-to-face workshops, capability diagnostics, focus groups, surveys, and tailored microlearning content we supported the team to become influencers who can actively visualise, design, and drive the organisation’s future.

  3. The impact

    By the end of the programme, the diversity of thought within the team was evident when the change agents pitched a new innovation approach – an idea not yet on the agenda – to the new leadership team.

Advisory A Global Institutional Asset Manager

Enabling a location flexible workforce

  1. The challenge

    The leadership team at a Global Institutional Asset Manager wanted to create a global location flexible workforce, allowing people to “work from anywhere”. This type of programme was previously unheard of in the industry in part because of the sheer challenges in designing it.

  2. Our approach

    We engaged employees and leaders to create an effective, sustainable, and scalable location flexible program. At the heart was the combination of insights from leaders and employees and our HSM Advisory research and IP on this topic. From this we were able to develop a new framework for location flexible working enabling employees to work remotely in any country for up to six months.

  3. The impact

    The organisation piloted the location flexible work programme and agreed the next steps to ensure the programme’s continued success. Once fully embedded, this programme will become a competitive advantage for the Global Institutional Asset Manager in both attracting and retaining their people.